Post by Pina on Apr 28, 2003 23:29:44 GMT
THE EYES OF THE DRAGON: This one of my very favourite books. I must have read it 5 times or more and I never tire of it. It's written by Stephen King but it is definitely not one of his usual horror books.
Here is a synopsis:
There is a far-away land where dragons still live, a land where magic still works, a land where hope and courage still hold true. In this land there is a kingdom called Delain. And in this kingdom, there lives a magician, a dark man known as Flagg. And so trouble must come to Delain. The king is poisoned and a prince wrongly imprisoned....just as Flagg had planned. Yet someone knows the truth, for he has seen through the Eyes of the Dragon.
Mellon, if you haven't read it already, please do. I am sure you will love it. It is an easy read... something you can do before bed, on a bus or on an airplane. When you are not working, that is... which is probably never, right? ;D
Post by mary on May 14, 2003 21:54:05 GMT
I am writing (in english LOL) THE VALLEY OF THE MOON of my beloved Jack London...one of the characters is "Mary"
Post by Pina on Jun 17, 2003 18:24:11 GMT
I will be reading a book that Mellon bought for me and Paulo in Prague... "The Golem" by Gustav Meyrink. "Once a generation a psychic epidemic sweeps through the Jewish Town with lightning speed, gripping the souls of the living for some purpose which remains hidden to us, bringing forth like a mirage the silhouette of a characteristic being which may have lived here centuries ago and thirsts for form and features."mellon.topcities.com/SubDirectory/smilies/eek2.gif[/img] Maybe Paulo should read it first!! mellon.topcities.com/SubDirectory/smilies/shocked2.gif[/img]
Post by Miss Melissa on Jun 17, 2003 18:58:51 GMT
I'm currently reading a wonderful collection of books by Diana Gabaldon about a woman who is swept through time after stepping in between a circle of stones in Scotland. She winds up in 1775...WONDERFUL series for anyone out for adventure, romance, the grips of time and war....there's 5 books in the series...starting with Outlander...ending with The Fiery Cross which I'm currently reading. Here's a link to look at an excerpt from the book...wonderful reading! www.cco.caltech.edu/~gatti/gabaldon/listsofvenus.htmlYou'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry and feel tired after a read
Post by Miss Melissa on Jun 17, 2003 19:06:34 GMT
Stephen King's From A Buick 8 will send chills and thrills down your spine! Bit of a stiff read at first, then picks up and you can't put it down. Synopsis Shortly after his father, a Pennsylvania state trooper, is killed in a senseless automobile accident, Ned Wilcox discovers that the members of Troop D have a secret concealed behind their headquarters. Curtis Wilcox's friends and colleagues take turns relating the twenty-year history of the mysterious Buick Roadmaster locked in Shed B and how its discovery and unexplained behavior has captivated the tightly knit group of men for two decades. The Buick seems to be a conduit to another reality and every now and then it breathes, inhaling a little bit of this world, exhaling a little bit of whatever world it came from
Post by mary on Jun 19, 2003 8:23:56 GMT
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry and feel tired after a read this could be good to read... no Stephen King....I am afraid!!